Travel information and Accommodation - 2017
Important travel information.pdf
Below you can see the links to the hotels for reference:
Zemchuzhina Hotel
Bestuzeva Street 29, 690003 Vladivostok, Russia
This property is a 5-minute walk from the beach. Just a 5-minute walk from Vladivostok Train Station and Vladivostok Harbour, this hotel in the historic Old Town offers a restaurant, sauna and modern rooms with a balcony. Free Wi-Fi is available... >>>
Azimut Hotel Vladivostok
Ulitsa Naberezhnaya 10, 690091 Vladivostok, Russia
Gavan Hotel
Krygina Str., 3, 690065 Vladivostok, Russia
This property is a 12-minute walk from the beach. On the Shkot Peninsula , this hotel is just a 5-minute drive from the historic center of Vladivostok. It offers saunas, a small indoor pool and a fitness center... >>>
All the recommended hotels are situated at the city center, near the Vladivostok railway station and rather far from the conference hall location. We plan to organize a bus each morning for transportation of conference participants to the conference hall location and back after the end of sessions. Lunches and coffee breaks will be organized at the conference place. We plan to organize before and after the conference days transfers from the Vladivostok international airport to the hotels at the city center and transfers from the place in front of the railway station to the international airport.
However, it is rather easily to reach the city from the airport.
1) You can reach the city center and the railway station from the airport by a few ways:
- by the bus No.107 from the airport's place to the Vladivostok railway station which goes each hour (the cost is around 2 dollars).
- by a comfortable train to the end railway station (see ) (now at local time: 7.48, 8.36, 10.30, 13.15, 17.40) (the cost is around 4 dollars).
- by a taxi (the cost is around 25-30 dollars)
2) You can reach the conference place from the railway station by train. See the time schedule at
You should get off at the station 'Chaika' (to be pronounced as 'ch-ai-ka'), to be the fourth station. It takes around 30 minutes from the Vladivostok railway station. Then go ahead along the railway, do not cross it and turn to the left just after passing a railway barrier. Go ahead approx. 300 m and you can see the Pacific Oceanological Institute, a six-storey building. The conference hall is just to the left from the entrance.
Important travel information
Для участников конференции планируется автобус от гостиницы «Владивосток» недалеко от жд вокзала (см. карту) до места проведения конференции и обратно.
28 августа в 8:30 от гостиницы «Владивосток» и обратно в 17:00 от места проведения конференции.
29 августа в 9:00 от гостиницы «Владивосток» и обратно в 17:00 от места проведения конференции.
30 августа в 9:00 от гостиницы «Владивосток» и обратно в 20:00 от места проведения конференции.
31 августа в 10:00 от гостиницы «Владивосток» – полудневная экскурсия на о. Русский.
От железнодорожного вокзала до места проведения конференции (ст. Чайка) и обратно можно доехать на электричке (расписание здесь )
6311 Владивосток - Чайка ежедневно 8:30 8:52
ежедневно 15:53 16:14
6464 ежедневно 16:56 17:16
6322 ежедневно 17:36 17:57
6302 ежедневно 17:48 18:09
Выйти на четвертой от вокзала остановке и, не переходя рельсы, повернуть налево и идти 300 м до ТОИ вдоль жд путей по направлению движения поезда из Владивостока.
A conference bus will be organized for the conference days from the hotel ‘Vladivostok’ (see the map) to the conference place and back.
28 August at 8:30 from the hotel ‘Vladivostok’ and back at 17:00 from the conference place.
29 August at 9:00 from the hotel ‘Vladivostok’ and back at 17:00 from the conference place.
30 August at 9:00 from the hotel ‘Vladivostok’ and back at 20:00 from the conference place.
31 August at 10:00 from the hotel ‘Vladivostok’ A half-day bus tour via two bridges to the University campus at the Russki Island, Ajax sea beach (take a swim dress).
You can reach the conference place from the railway station ‘Vladivostok’ by train. See the time schedule at
6311 from Vladivostok to Chaika (working days) departure 8:30 arrival 8:52
from Chaika to Vladivostok (working days)
departure 15:53 arrival 16:14
6464 departure 16:56 arrival 17:16
6322 departure 17:36 arrival 17:57
6302 departure 17:48 arrival 18:09
You should get off at the station 'Chaika' (to be pronounced as 'ch-ai-ka'), to be the fourth stop. It takes around 30 minutes from the Vladivostok railway station. Then go ahead along the railway in the direction of motion of your train, do not cross the railway and turn to the left just after passing a railway barrier. Go ahead approx. 300 m and you can see the Pacific Oceanological Institute, a six-storey building. The conference hall is just to the left from the entrance.
Here you can see the train riute
And here the Chaika and Institute area
Important travel information.pdf
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